

What is TROJAN?

A Trojan Horse (Trojan) is a type of malware that disguises itself as legitimate code or software. Once inside the network, attackers are able to carry out any action that a legitimate user could perform, such as exporting files, modifying data, deleting files or otherwise altering the contents of the device. Trojans may be packaged in downloads for games, tools, apps or even software patches. Many Trojan attacks also leverage social engineering tactics, as well as spoofing and phishing, to prompt the desired action in the user.

How to prevemt Trojan

  • KNever download or install software from a source you don’t trust completely
  • Never open an attachment or run a program sent to you in an email from someone you don’t know.
  • Keep all software on your computer up to date with the latest patches
  • Make sure a Trojan antivirus is installed and running on your computer